
Dordabis Copper Project

Located 90km south of the Namibian capital, Windhoek, the Dordabis Copper Project contains four known copper deposits covering over 882km².  Coincident magnetic and gravity anomalies have been identified which supports the potential for a IOCG mineralisation model similar to that found at the Olympic Dam and Ernest Henry deposits.  The drilling programmes completed in 2008 by Kalahari Minerals predominantly targeted the Koperberg, RK and Swartberg prospects. 
Approximately 25,000m of RC drilling (247 holes) has been completed at Koperberg which has an initial resource of 1.74mt @ 0.97% copper, representing 17,000 tonnes Cu in-situ metal.  The resource remains open at depth and metallurgical test work to date indicates +90% recoveries.  Channel sampling commenced in June 2008 to bring some of the oxide mineralisation at Koperberg into the above resource.  All data barring a few down hole surveys are now available.
Located 1,500m SE of Koperberg, a total of 116 holes have been completed for 13,254m with major intersections including:

  • 8m @ 2.3% Cu
  • 12m @ 1.2% Cu
  • 7m @ 1.7% Cu


The planned re-evaluation of the RK and Koperberg prospects should result in a significantly improved copper resource.

The Swartberg Prospect is a low grade yet high tonnage target with CU (+/-Ag) mineralisation, hosted within an andesitic unit proximal to a North South trending regional volcanic-sedimentary contact.  Initial drilling was undertaken in 2008 with 43 RC holes completed for 6,898m.  Best intersections included:

  • 46m @ 0.26% Cu, 0.62g/t Ag
  • 115m @ 0.16% Cu, 0.54g/t Ag
  • 107m @ 0.16% Cu, 0.45g/t Ag
  • 32m @ 0.24% Cu, 0.89g/t Ag


A further four prospects were included in the drilling programme for the following metres:


4 RC holes



18 RC Holes


Klein Koperberg

14 RC holes


Koperberg South

12 RC holes
